Friday, October 7, 2011

Wednesday was beautiful at the market. We had 6 vendors, 3 of them were produce vendors. There were plenty of tomatoes. John had watermelons and lots of pumpkins and gourds.
  • It is a good time for fall planting. I am going to bring some perennials and some bulbs tomorrow and Mark is coming with his asters and mums. The mums are in full bloom and beautiful.
  • Charlie is back with his produce. He had lots of tomatoes last week.
  • Vicky & Troy have lots of pears from their trees. They are fabulous.
  • Linda has her homegrown canned tomatoes.
  • Darleen & John will have their sugar free baked goods.
  • I will have my homemade dog soap, made with mango butter to condition skin and coat and herbal oils to repel fleas and ticks.
We would like to have a special fall Saturday at the market with Bob & Pat BBQ. I have been making felted soap bars at the market and the kids seem fascinated by it.
I would like to have a kids craft project where they felt their own bars of soap. I can provide the ingredients but I would need help from other adults. We could have the project the same Saturday as Bob & Pat or it might be good for a Wednesday at the market. Any girl scout / boy scouts/ home school groups interested? Email me at or call me at 314-795-1642.