We finally made it past the hot weather and into fall. The market is still busy with lots of produce. Please welcome our new vendor Diane Dawkins. She makes soap and other skin products, as well as lovely crocheted baby sets that include sweater, hat, booties, and baby blanket. Diane also makes yummy snacks.
Hurrah! Judy is back from Alaska. She had huckleberry muffins Wednesday and will have them again Saturday.
Linda had lots of tomatoes last week and hopefully will bring more this week.
Darleen & John made cantaloupe jelly and say its good even though it doesn't sound like it. They also canned something called Chow Mix.
Mark from Schroeder greenhouse is also back with lots of fall mums and asters.
Brenda had plenty of her heirloom tomatoes last week as well as lots of other produce and cut herbs. She also had plenty of perennials for fall planting and the most gorgeous hanging ferns.
Maggie has been making grave memorials and fall wreaths.
I have been making something new, felted bars of soap. I will also have cut herbs and daffodil and grape Hyacinth bulbs.
See you tomorrow at the market!